Friday, March 29, 2013

Gave Away 11 Things, Brought Home 5

Younkers has a wonderful sale every year in which customers can donate items to Goodwill and receive a 25% coupon (for Younkers) for each item they donate. I took 8 dresses, two jackets, and the top from some set I had (I seem to have lost the skirt) and donated them. I used my coupons to buy a couple of jackets and a purse to freshen up a couple of dresses I already own and turn them into possible Easter outfits. I also bought two pairs of shoes. (Husband: "I hope you donated some shoes then." I did not. I have checked with my ESL students, and the female passion for shoes seems to be a cultural universal.)

I still have way too much in my closet. One of the things I need to downsize is my body. Things have really gotten out of hand, and a good deal of what is in there doesn't currently least not comfortably. I keep thinking I'm going to get back into a lot of that stuff, but I have to stop thinking and start doing.

Downsize total: -6

Update: I wasn't thinking about the new glasses I picked up today, so:
Downsize total: -5

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